REST API – Different Responses from Same Resource Based on Requester


Let's say I have a single resource of employee that belongs to user:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "userId: 1

When making a GET request to /employees/1, I'm using a JWT which contains the userId.

Any user can fetch this record regardless of their userId (as long as they're authenticated), however, I want to indicate that the requester actually owns that employee.

I was thinking that on the server I could do an "if (employee.userId === jwt.userId)" and add the result as a property in the result like so:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "userId: 1,
  "isOwner": true

Does this break REST principles as the same resource will return different results depending on the user making the request?

Best Answer

No, it doesn't.

As long as the concept behind the URI is the same (some gray area of course) the server is free to return different representations of the same thing best suited for the client or the user making the request.

The same way the resource at will return a slightly different page for me than for you.

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