REST – Do Web Applications Use HTTP as a Transport Layer?


Given an HTTP server (e.g. Apache, IIS) and a web application (user code running in the server using PHP, ASP.NET and the likes), which of those can decide which HTTP status code to return for any request?

Or rather, is a "web application" to be interpreted as an integral part of "server" as used in the HTTP RFCs? The latter (RFC 7230) is pretty short on that:

An HTTP "server" is a program that accepts connections in order to service HTTP requests by sending HTTP responses.

Since the actual response is generated by a web application (excluding static resources), I'd say the web application is actual part of the server.

However, apart from the eternal "which HTTP status code to use in [arbitrary situation]?" discussions, there also is the discussion "Should web applications even use HTTP status codes?", which I'd like a normative answer to.

See for example the Google Maps REST API. They return 200 for every repsonse, which can be interpreted as "The request ended up at the HTTP server, so that part went OK (200)". Any application error that happens that is returned in the message body as a JSON status, up till the point of NOT_FOUND.

Is this correct? Shouldn't a request for GET /Clients/123 return a 404 when that client doesn't exist? Then what about GET /clients.php?id=123, assuming clients.php exists?

Or does 404 really and only mean "I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm not going to serve you a resource as there is no resource at (a part of) that URI", "resource" meaning "a (routed) file or directory", which should only be returned by the server when someone forgot to deploy the ClientService application?

Do status code only work for the HTTP part of things, or is a web application part of the server, allowing it to utilize the appropriate status codes where they fit, using HTTP status codes as API response codes?

Best Answer

404 means "the resource you asked for doesn't exist." It's up to the server to decide when that response is appropriate. Google has apparently interpreted it to mean "your API request was malformed." Other REST APIs might also interpret it to mean "your request was well-formed, but you are asking for something which does not exist." This is why you need to read the API docs.

The "server," in turn, is (as your RFC quote indicates) anything that responds to HTTP requests appropriately. If you build a server out of a gigantic web application framework, that's your business. The only requirement is that the client gets the semantically-correct response in any given situation. It will often be the case that the web application is better suited to make that decision than (say) Apache's out-of-the-box behavior, but you can and should set this up in whatever way makes the most sense for your situation.