Rest – Is it a good practice to have a special value “ALL” in an enum


I'm developing a new service in a micro-services environment.
This is a REST service.
For simplicity, let's say that the path is:

And the POST method for this path creates a new history book.

Let's assume that a history book covers one or more eras in history.

For brevity, let's assume we have only the following eras of human history:

  • Ancient
  • Post Classical
  • Modern

In my code, I'd like to represent them in an enum.

The method's body (the payload) is in JSON format, and should include a field name eras. This field is a list of era values, that this book covers.

The body may look like:

  "name": "From the cave to Einstein - a brief history review",
  "author": "Foo Bar",
  "eras": ["Ancient", "Post Classical", "Modern"]

In this specific service, the business logic is:
If no eras provided in the input, then this book is considered to cover all eras.

In the API review, a suggestion was made:
Include another value, ALL, for the eras enum, to explicitly indicate that all of the eras are covered.

I think it has some pros and cons.


Explicit input


If two items in the list are provided, say ALL and Ancient – what will be taken from the application? I guess that ALL should override the other values, but that's new business logic.

If I run a query, for books that cover specific era(s), how would I represent a books that cover all eras? If ALL is also used for the output (using the same logic), then it's the consumer's responsibility to interpret ALL as ["Ancient", "Post Classical", "Modern"].

My Question

I think that having the new ALL causes more confusion than not having it at all.

What do you think? Would you add this ALL value or keep your API without it?

Best Answer

Depends on whether your available eras are available to the calling application. Presumably they are so the user can select what they're interested in. If that's the case then it's a front-end issue to supply an "ALL" option. If it were me, that would have it send a list of all eras rather than an "all" option. If not, then you need an "ALL" option and run the risk then that the front end will get things back from an era it won't understand.

As you point out, ALL with other options means you can get conflicting requests. One further consideration is that you can pass "ALL" then any other enums become exclusions rather than inclusions, e.g. "ALL", "Ancient" means "Everything except the Ancients". That makes some kind of sense but obviously the UI then has to reflect that which may just be over complex.

TL;DR; Mostly "ALL" is a UI nicety & you can achieve the same thing at the service level with no ambiguity so don't do it.