Rest – Is this a secure solution for RESTful authentication


I need to quickly implement a RESTful authentication system for my JavaScript application to use. I think I understand how it should work, but I just want to double check. Here's what I'm thinking — what do you guys think?

Database schema


  • id : integer
  • first_name : varchar(50)
  • last_name : varchar(50)
  • password : varchar(32) (MD5 hashed)
  • etc.


  • id : integer
  • user_id : integer
  • auth_token : varchar(32) (AES encrypted, with keys outside database)
  • access_token : varchar(32) (AES encrypted, with keys outside database)
  • active : boolean


The following happens over SSL. I'm using Sinatra for the API.

  1. JavaScript requests authentication via POST to /users/auth/token.
  2. The /users/auth/token API method generates an auth_token hash, creates a record in user_authentications, and returns auth_token.
  3. JavaScript hashes the user's password and then salts it with auth_token — SHA(access_token + MD5(password))
  4. POST the user's username and hashed+salted password to /users/auth/authenticate.
  5. The /users/auth/authenticate API method will verify that SHA(AES.decrypt(access_token) + user.password) == what was received via POST.
  6. The /users/auth/authenticate will generate, AES encrypt, store, and return an access token if verification is successful; otherwise, it will return 401 Unauthorized.
  7. For any future requests against the API, JavaScript will include access_token, and the API will find the user account based on that.

Best Answer

No, it's not secure, and it seems unnecessary complex.

In particular:

  • No reason to encrypt tokens on a database level. If an attacker can get password hash (has access to DB), he can get brand new tokens.
  • No session expiration described.

This can help: OWASP REST Security Cheat Sheet, Authentication Cheat Sheet

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