Rest – URLs with variable query strings and cache


I am developing a media server, the basic functionality is to serve an image, which is done the following way


where :id is the id of the image.

You may want to ask for a specific size, with some rules I will provide.



Question: Which option do you think is better? I believe the second one to be more RESTful and beautiful, but we will be using a CDN and varnish for cache, so if we get




we will have 2 hits when we should have 1

Any advice?

Best Answer

According to URI standard the path should contain the hierarchical components and the query should contain the non-hierarchical components of the URI. But it can be subjective what is hierarchical and what non-hierarchical.

By developing a REST client these URLs mean nothing, because they follow hyperlinks and check link relations or other additional meta-data. (aka uniform interface / HATEOAS constraint)

If you cannot cache one of them, then you should choose the other one. Note: you always have to send cache headers. (aka cache constraint)