Scrum – Scheduling Dependent Tasks in a Sprint


I'm on a project right now that is using the scrum methodology with 2 week sprints. Here's what our team looks like:

  • 1 business analyst
  • 1 tester
  • 1 user experience designer
  • 2 developers (1 for the UI and 1 for the back-end processes)
  • 1 project manager

In a single sprint, we'll have 1 product backlog item (PBI) to design the UI for a page, another PBI to write the .Net code for the page, and 1 PBI to test the page.

How should these 3 product backlog items be scheduled so that they all get completed by the end of the sprint? Since they are all dependent on each other and require at least 3 members of the team to work together, it seems to me like they each need deadlines in order for them to get done in time.

The scrum master keeps saying that they don't need deadlines because the cross-functional team will take care of it. This hasn't worked in 10+ sprints, though.

Shouldn't the project manager be aware of this critical path and monitor its progress?

Best Answer

You don't follow Scrum because your 3 PBIs are not PBIs. It is one PBI. Also if you divide the PBI this way and have special role for each part you are not doing Scrum but ScrumFall. Your cross functionality doesn't work at all because you have separate role for each task so while one role is doing its part of PBI other roles are waiting.

Cross functionality means that almost every member in the team can do any task and it is one of core requirements to make Scrum work. Otherwise you cannot efficiently plan the sprint because you must count velocity per role and combine PBIs in the way to fill capacity of each member - that is mostly impossible.