Haskell vs Scheme – Introduction to Functional Programming

functional programminghaskellscheme

I am comfortable with programming in C and C#, and will explore C++ in the future. I may be interested in exploring functional programming as a different programming paradigm. I am doing this for fun, my job does not involve computer programming, and am somewhat inspired by the use of functional programming, taught fairly early, in computer science courses in college. Lambda calculus is certainly beyond my mathematical abilities, but I think I can handle functional programming.

Which of Haskell or Scheme would serve as a good intro to functional programming? I use emacs as my text editor and would like to be able to configure it more easily in the future which would entail learning Emacs Lisp. My understanding, however, is that Emacs Lisp is fairly different from Scheme and is also more procedural as opposed to functional.

I would likely be using "The Little Schemer" book, which I have already bought, if I pursue Scheme (seems to me a little weird from my limited leafing through it). Or would use the "Learn You a Haskell for Great Good" if I pursue Haskell. I would also watch the Intro to Haskell videos by Dr Erik Meijer on Channel 9.

Any suggestions, feedback or input appreciated.


P.S. BTW I also have access to F# since I have Visual Studio 2010 which I use for C# development, but I don't think that should be my main criteria for selecting a language.

Best Answer

I would recommend OCaml.

In my personal point of view, the main basis of modern¹ functional programmings are higher-order functions, a static type system, and algebraic datatypes and pattern matching.

Between a Scheme, a ML and a Haskell, I would choose the ML because I think it's the most relevant to this definition. Scheme doesn't have static typing (there is Typed Racket, but it's not for the scheme beginners), and Haskell has too much other stuff (monads, lazy evaluation...) that, while interesting, may divert attention from the important basis.

SML and OCaml are equally interesting; I'm more used to OCaml, and it has a more "practical" feeling that is nice (but if you really want "practical" to the risk of losing your soul, you may as well pick F#).

Scheme and Haskell are also very interesting languages. Scheme emphasis on macros is interesting, but not directly related to functional programming (it's another of the things in the world you should definitely try, as well as logic programming, stack-based languages, and capability-oriented E).

Haskell is definitely a great language and, I think, a mandatory point for the aspiring gurus of functional programming. But as the core languages of OCaml and Haskell are very much similar (except for lazy evaluation that is distracting for the beginner), it's easy to learn Haskell once you know the basics of OCaml. Or rather, you can concentrate on the weird stuff, and you don't have to assimilate the basics at the same time.

Similarly, once you have seen OCaml, and possibly also Haskell, and still want to learn more, you should look at Coq or Agda. Yet few would recommend Coq or Agda for a first introduction to functional programming...

To make my point clear : I think that learning OCaml (or SML) then Haskell will make you as good a functional programmer as learning Haskell directly, but more easily (or less painfully).
Besides, OCaml and Haskell both have good things differentiating them, and it's interesting to know about the advanced features of both. Just learning Haskell is poorer in that aspect (though of course you could learn OCaml after Haskell; I think it's less logical and will get you more frustrated).

For learning OCaml I would recommend Jason Hickey's book draft (PDF).

¹this definition is controversial. Some Scheme folks will claim static typing has nothing to do with functional programming. Some Haskell people will claim that their definition of purity ("what Haskell does, but no more") is a sine qua non condition for being a functional language. I agree to disagree.