Scrum Estimation – Baseline Story for Point Estimation


To estimate PBIs you need to choose an average story and assign it a number of points (for example 5). Then you compare all other stories to that story and assign points accordingly. My question is, are you really supposed to compare every single story to that original story from the beginning of the project? If not, then how do you make sure your scale remains more or less consistent throughout the project?


Best Answer

Story points are subjective; always. What a '5' means to you may mean something else to another team member. As your team grows and gains more experience after each sprint, you get an understanding of how the rest of your team members view a '5'. Every sprint, you'll get a better understanding, and therefore a better estimate.

There is no need to make sure your scale remains consistent, it will happen naturally.

You could compare it to average tasks from the last sprint. You don't need to utilize that "base-line" story every single time, especially as your team evolves.

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