Android Communication – Sending Data to a Specific Device


I am planning an application that includes a membership card functionality, where the user can place an order, either in the application or by phoning the vendor. Once the order is placed, especially in the case of a phone in order, what would be the best approach to having the vendor side communicate relevant details to a specific device.

I have looked Android's C2DM, that doesn't seem to be the best method. I don't want to send messages/data to all devices with the application installed, only the specific device that placed the order.

Best Answer

Android's C2DM is device specific. So in your case, when user X initiates a phone order, your back-end could quite easily send the relevant data back to X's device (assuming you've verified that the person calling in is indeedX).

This data would not be broadcast to everyone who installed your app.

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