Team Foundation Server – Shelving Code in TFS


I'm pretty new at using TFS and I'd like to know how you or your team use the "shelve" function of tfs.

We have the following guidelines in using TFS:
– perform a "Get Latest" before you check in and try to build/compile
– do not check in code that does not compile
– at the end of the day, if your work is not complete/partially done, you should "shelve" your pending changes

The first two make sense but I don't really get the last one. I asked my mgr and he said that its so he knows that you actually did some work for that day, which does kind of makes sense but still, I'm wondering what other teams use the "shelve" function for?

Best Answer

I personally have Multiple reasons to shelve:

  • I want/need to go home but the current code would beak the build when it would be checked in.
  • it is a backup
  • if I would get sick, other members of my team would be able to get my changes and work on them
  • sometime I am making a change and want to start over but not lose all the code that I have written sofar. Something might be usefull
  • exchange the code with a team member without checking the code in.

Hope this helps.

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