Should a developer be allowed to use VSS if he prefers it

mercurialproject-managementteamversion controlvisual studio

I introduced Mercurial to my department. I love it, but it is my first version control experience. I am using it with NetBeans PHP for web development.

Another developer who works on internal company applications likes using Visual Source Safe and does not want to switch. He works in a Visual Studio environment.

All the other developers have bought into Mercurial except this one. For the most part though, we all work pretty independently.

I am trying to move this department in the right direction, I have set everyone up with an account on Kiln, I was hoping to get everyone using Fogbugz down the road as well (since there is currently no bug database being maintained.) I have never used VSS but I hear very bad things about it.

Would it be better to just allow him to continue using VSS if that's what he prefers, or would it be in best interest to get him on board with Mercurial?

Best Answer

would it be better to just allow him to continue using vss if thats what he prefers

No. There is no point in running two different source management systems in parallel. That defies the very idea that all developers are connected to the same repository and take full advantages of it.

A single developer using a different system alone effectively isolates himself from the team. Even if projects do not cross, it is still a bad thing to do.

Doubled maintenance efforts for both systems is another argument here.

I think you should use your authority or escalate the issue to the management to quickly migrate the content from VSS to Mercurial and then shut VSS down.

P.S. Speaking of VSS, it is notorious for losing check-ins or otherwise damaging code when you least expect it. It does work but it regularly goes on the nerves. If you have a better alternative, avoid VSS.

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