Should I keep the GitHub forked repositories around forever


So I've forked someone else's repository, made a few changes, submitted a pull request, and my changes made it into the product. Great!

But…what should I do with my forked repository? Is there a compelling reason for me to keep my repository around, or should I go ahead and delete it? I don't plan on making any additional contributions, but if I change my mind I assume I can always just re-fork it.

I'm not really concerned about keeping a backup. I'm more worried about breaking links, losing commit messages, etc.

Best Answer

As of February 18, 2021, the “Unknown Repository” issue has been resolved. You should be ok to delete repositories once all the branches have been merged.

Old answer:

Deleting forked repositories will erase history from your Pull Requests.

PR with unknown repository

Deleting a forked repository will delete any information associated with your repository. This can retroactively affect any references to your repository, including pull requests that have already been merged. (See Pull request displays "unknown repo" after deletion of fork)

Your comments and commits should be preserved on any pull requests that were associated with your repository, but you will do so at your own risk.

However, deleting old branches after a merge is perfectly safe.

While deleting repositories should be avoided, deleting unused branches is perfectly acceptable. In fact, GitHub encourages you to delete old branches.

Tidying up after Pull Requests

At GitHub, we love to use Pull Requests all day, every day. The only trouble is that we end up with a lot of defunct branches after Pull Requests have been merged or closed. From time to time, one of us would clear out these branches with a script, but we thought it would be better to take care of this step as part of our regular workflow on

Starting today, after a Pull Request has been merged, you’ll see a button to delete the lingering branch:

Delete this branch button

If the Pull Request was closed without being merged, the button will look a little different to warn you about deleting unmerged commits:

Delete branch with warning

Of course, you can only delete branches in repositories that you have push access to.

Enjoy your tidy repositories!

Alternatively, if you really don't want to keep them around, you can archive a repository to indicate it is no longer actively maintained.

See also