.NET – Should Exception Messages Be Localized?


It is probably related to "Who should read Exception.Message if at all" and similar questions asked on this site, but I don't see how it is possible to always generate a custom message while avoiding exception messages.

Also in .NET all exception messages are localized by default. Does it make sense or is it just a bad design? Moreover it is mentioned in guidelines on how to handle exceptions:

Include a localized description string in every exception. When the
user sees an error message, it is derived from the description string
of the exception that was thrown, rather than from the exception

In most cases it is pretty easy to catch and show an exception message to user instead of trying to analyze the exception type and then generating a proper user message depending on the exception details. Especially when the result turns out to be not really different from the original exception message. Also it may be a tedious work to analyze all possible cases, take a hypothetical example: you need to connect to some server over HTTP and read some XML message. There are tons of things that could go wrong, starting from port/host being unreachable, or not having access rights or malformed XML etc. Going over each case is a lot of work, while simply displaying the exception message is easy and it is very likely that it contains a user-friendly string.

So should I localize exception messages and display them to the end user as is, especially when generating a custom message may take some more unnecessary work? Or should I still do this work?

Best Answer

I believe that logs and exceptions are for developers, therefore they should be in the best language to suit the development team. This may be their native language, however it may be (and judging from the comments often is) English. This allows developers to work in a language they are familiar with and not have to translate from French, Spanish, or Chinese to work a problem.

However, your users may not all be English speakers.

To give the best user experience you may well want to localise any error messages you feel you need to display to the user.

You could do that in a number of ways:

public class LocalisedException : Exception
   public string LocalErrorMessage {get; protected set;}
   public LocalisedException(string localErrorMessage, string englishMessage)
      this.LocalErrorMessage = localErrorMessage

Or (and probably the way I'd do it):

catch(Exception ex)
  _log.Error("There was an error", ex);

My suspicion is that the author of the article you linked assumes you're going to be displaying ex.ErrorMessage directly to end users. I wouldn't do this, ex.ErrorMessage often contains technical (and sometimes even sensitive) details and should therefore not be shown. It also makes you THINK about what you are presenting to the user. Catching, logging, and apologising gets you into that habit.

In summary. I'd make sure your exceptions and logs are as easy and accessible for your developers as possible. But make sure that your website (and error messages displayed) as as clear for your users as possible.