Dependency Injection – Should DI/IoC Remove All ‘New’ Keywords?


Should the usage of Dependency Injection and an Inversion of Control container remove all occurrences of the "new" keyword from your code?

In other words, should every object/dependency, no matter how simple or short-lived, be "registered" within your IoC container and injected into the method/class that needs to use them?

If no, where do you draw the line between which dependencies/objects get registered in the IoC container, versus what gets created "in-line" as a concrete reference, via the new keyword ?

Best Answer

Avoid dogma. Do what feels right.

I prefer to use "new" for data structures which have no behavior.

If the class does have behavior, I then look at the scope of that behavior. If it is stateless and has no dependencies, I lean towards "new". I only begin refactoring towards DI when I need to add a dependency to stateful resources (such as a database or a file), or to other classes with such resources.

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