Unix Sockets – Simple Explanation


I can search and I've already looked at the wikipedia entry and in some other places, but even though I have some programming experience, I don't really grasp the concept. Can you treat me like a 10 year old and give me a clear explanation on socket communication?

Best Answer

Let me give you an example: Say you want to communicate/chat with your friend, who lives not at your address. For that to happen, you have to establish a "communication channel". Say, you want to do this communication using telephones. You know that there is a network of telephone lines in the city that is extended to every house.

Now, there is a telephone socket in your house, and one in your friends house. For the communication to take place, you and your friend have to connect to the network by plugging your phone to the socket, at the both end of the communication. Sockets in programming is the same, conceptually, as the telephone sockets.

In programming, you have two processes (running programs) that want to communicate with each other. For that, they have to establish a communication link between themselves. Again, there is a network available, they just need to connect to this network using some sort of sockets. Unix sockets are one such socket that provides this connectivity/pluggability to the network. So, in each of the two programs, you will have some piece of code that does the job of connecting to the network through sockets.

The rest are details.

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