User Interaction – Simulating Double-Click and Wait Time Between Clicks


I'm simulating a double click programmatically and I want to have a slight pause between both clicks in order to better simulate a real user.

I know the interval should be less than GetDoubleClickTime but am not sure what would be a good time to choose. Does anyone know of any data on how fast a typical person performs a double-click?

I was thinking in the direction GetDoubleClickTime()/3 but of course the magic number seems a bit iffy.

Best Answer

Does anyone know of any data on how fast a typical person performs a double-click? - doubleclick interval is an adjustable OS user setting.

Our user might not have configured his machine typically.

I don't know what's the issue with GetDoubleClickTime() / 3. Even if there was some research proving that an average person doubleclicks 2.56768 time faster than the required minimum speed - 2.56768 is still a magic number of sorts...