Sort an array in a specific order – not ascending/descending


I'm working on an algorithm that works best if the inputs are passed to it in a particular order, so I want to sort them that way. The difference is drastic enough for me to consider re-sorting the array.

Consider an array a with length n. I want to sort it the following way, and return the array of indices of a instead of the values:

I define another array w, also of length n. I want to sort such that the first element is closest to the first element of w. Then, from the rest of the elements (excluding the one already sorted), the second element is closest to the second element of w, and so on.

For example a = {5.5, 6.5, 2.4, 3.1}, w = {1, 2, 6, 5}.

2.4 is closest to 1, so output[0] = 2, the index of 2.4.

2.4 is closest to 2, but already processed, so choose 3.1, output[1] = 3.

Next come 0 and 1, in that order. 0 is chosen because it comes first, although both are equidistant.

So, output = {2, 3, 0, 1} and the sorted array would be sorted = {2.4, 3.1, 5.5, 6.5} (each index is used to find the corresponding element).

I can only think of brute-forcing this algorithm. Can there be a more efficient way to do it?

Best Answer

  • Insert all elements of a into a (self-balancing) Binary Search Tree (BST) - O(n log n)

  • For each element of w, lookup and remove the closest element in the BST and add it to the output - O(n log n)

    Finding the closest element in a BST is rather easy. If the element is greater than the current node's element, look right, if it's smaller, look left, if it's equal, stop. As you go down the tree, simply keep track of the closest element.

Having it return the indices instead of the element should be trivial.

Total running time - O(n log n)