Coding Style – Split Calculation of Return Value and Return Statement


I have had a discussion with a coworker about breaking a return statement and the statement that calculates the return value in two lines.

For example

private string GetFormattedValue()
    var formattedString = format != null ? string.Format(format, value) : value.ToString();
    return formattedString;

instead of

private string GetFormattedValue()
    return format != null ? string.Format(format, value) : value.ToString();

Code-wise I don't really see a value in the first variant. For me, the latter is clearer, particularly for methods that short. His argument whatsoever was that the former variant is easier to debug – which is quite a small merit, since VisualStudio allows us a very detailed inspection of the statements, when the execution is stopped due to a break point.

My question is, if it's still a valid point to write code less clear, just to make debugging a glimpse easier? Are there any further arguments for the variant with the split calculation and return statement?

Best Answer

Introducing explaining variables is a well-known refactoring which can sometimes help to make complicated expressions better readable. However, in the shown case,

  • the additional variable does not "explain" anything which is not clear from the surrounding method name
  • the statement gets even longer, so (slightly) less readable

Moreover, newer versions of the Visual Studio debugger can show the return value of a function in most cases without introducing a superfluous variable (but beware, there are some caveats, have a look at this older SO post and the different answers).

So in this specific case, I agree to you, however, there are other cases where an explaining variable can indeed improve code quality.

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