Stats on the average percentage of time required to create “usable” documentation


UPDATE: I've gotten a lot of feedback, but no info on what percent of time people spend on docs. To keep it simple, say the docs are for developers and peer reviewed; meaning the peer understands how to do it, and the comments are more for the what is being done, not how to do it from scratch; which in my case is the request, just don't think the request is common.

Been working a project for 2 months, and it's done. When the project started, documentation was not a requirement; focus was "get it done." So, all the sudden there's an interest in creating documentation for the project… that's 100% turn-key, meaning that someone with no understanding of anything, would be able to do everything required to duplicate the work done.

In case it matters, the project was a data profiling, extraction, transformation, and loading themed. Meaning I was given sets of data, a final state of the data — and figured out all the issues/solutions to make that happen.

Just wondering if anyone has seen stats on the average percentage of time take to write docs.

(Have questions/feedback, just comment — thanks.)

Best Answer

So, all the sudden there's an interest in creating documentation for the project... that's 100% turn-key, meaning that someone with no understanding of anything, would be able to do everything required to duplicate the work done.

Do they actually want developer or user documentation? To me it sounds like the former, but it is quite unclear.

I would say this is a completely unrealistic expectation. Of course depending on what "no understanding of anything" actually means: a person with no programming background? or one not experienced in the specific language / platform / domain? Or ... ?

Anyway, writing such detailed documentation is a huge task, much better suited for a professional document writer than a (however experienced) developer. And its result would quickly get obsolete - the more detailed the docs, the faster it gets out of sync with the code.

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