Algorithms – Strategy to Divide Pot to Chips

algorithmsdata structuresstrategy

I want to split poker pot to chips.


Pot = $17.500.

I have the endless piles of chips. I have the following types of chips: ChipsTypes = [$1, $5, $10, $25, $100, $500, $1.000, $5.000, $10.000, and so on]. Index starts from 0.

I want to get an array that says which chips I have to take to divide the pot and in which order to have minimum number of denominations and chips after pot-to-chips conversion. For example Result = [7, 5] means that I have to take 3 * $5.000 + 5 * $500 which $17.500.

Is there is any strategy or algorithm that would suit my need?

Best Answer

It sounds to me like you are attempting to solve the Knapsack Problem if you want a general solution where any denominations would work.

Put in those terms this is an unbounded knapsack problem where all the values are -1 and the weights are the denomination of the chip.

You should be able to find lots about the problem online.

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