Programming Syntax – How to Use Goto Labels


In C, C++ and some dialects of BASIC, goto labels are declared with the syntax label:. I'm working on a language that uses name: type as the syntax for variable declarations, so I'd prefer if possible to use something a bit more distinctive for labels. I am or at some point was passingly familiar with many languages that use that syntax for variable declarations, but off the top of my head I can't recall a single one of them that doesn't ban goto (not looking to argue about whether that's a good or bad design decision, just noting it did take place in those cases), so I'm trying to figure out where to look for precedent on labels.

What other forms of syntax has been used for goto labels? Are there any criteria I might be overlooking in choosing one over another?

(I just remembered Ada is an exception. But it uses <<label>>, which doesn't mix well with the use of those symbols as C-style shift operators.)

Best Answer

DOS batch scripts use :label.

// I personally would use >label. :)

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