T-SQL stored procs orders of magnitude faster than LINQ


According to answers I've seen on stackoverflow, stored procedures (and to a lesser extent db functions) tend to perform better vs. LINQ + ORM frameworks (e.g. Entity Framework).

I want to determine if the performance difference is large enough to justify an increase in development time, assuming it takes more time to write equivalent, reasonably complex query operations in T-SQL vs. LINQ.

In which scenarios is there an order-of-magnitude (or at least a very large constant factor) difference in running time, between a performance-optimized stored proc and its equivalent, performance-optimized LINQ counterpart? Or for scalar- or table- valued functions vs. the LINQ equivalent?

Hopefully, it is not too difficult to see that this question follows the guidelines per the FAQ. It's not asking a subjective question like, "which is better, T-SQL or LINQ?". It's asking for a few specific scenarios (can give abstract or concrete examples) where there is a significant difference in performance. If that still doesn't make sense to you, and you still think this question is not constructive and should be closed, please leave an explanation why if you can.

Best Answer

My suggestion:
1. Do development with LINQ to get a product to market faster.
2. Optimize performance of the whole system by using cache and alike.
3. Optimize performance of those few queries where it really matters.

In the order listed.

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