Task scheduling for software development


I'm managing a team of 10 software developers and I'm looking for a tool which can be used to schedule/assign tasks.

I envisage a fairly simple web-based tool which each developer signs into. Here they can see a list of tasks assigned to them. For each task it would be clear how long has been assigned (either the number of hours or number of days) and when it should be delivered. Drilling into a task would reveal any associated notes/specification, and each task would be associated with a client and a project. Each developer would 'sign off' a task when complete.

An administrative interface would exist for managing users, clients, projects and tasks.

Is there a free tool available which provides this basic functionality? Obviously we could write our own in a relatively short amount of time, but I'd be interesting in knowing if there are any (ideally open source) tools already out there that people have experience using.

Best Answer

Though you may have a particular management style, and are looking for something developer focused (sounds like you're trying to focus on managing the people, not the product) - you might want to first try the existing accepted solutions that focus on managing the product/issues - ie learn from what the industry is already doing. You say that you're new to the role, so this may seem wise.

In that vein, wikipedia has a decent list here. I can vouch for fogbugz (not free in your scenario) and ontime (ditto) and I'm just getting into TFS now, which seems to work well for us.

Your choice might depend on the methodology used in your shop, for instance if you use scrum then some trackers are likely to be better than others. Info on that could help as well.