Programming – Terminology for Web Development and General Software


EDIT: I should clarify. THe particular terms I listed below I fully understand. I also understand w3schools doesn't have the greatest information. These are just examples. I don't expect everybody to understand what an example is, but I hope the majority do.

Does anybody have any resources listing terms related to programming and web development, or care to pitch in?

Things like:

Build time

I'm primarily a PHP developer so anything about that. I really am looking for general terms and specific terms related to web development, PHP, SQL, CSS, HTML.

Appreciate any input.

Couple I found:

Best Answer

Computing terminology from Wikipedia would be my suggestion for a resource though do keep in mind that some terms can be quite overloaded.

As an example of overload, consider the term library. To some people it is a building with books in it while to others it is compiled machine code and the last L of a DLL. Thus beware of the context of the term.

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