The “correct” way to store functions in a database


Note: Yes, I know that storing functions in databases should be punishable by law.

We are developing a financial web application using PostgreSQL, Sinatra and AngularJS. As you may have guessed, a financial application may need some calculations.

There is a certain database model (called 'Hypothesis') that has a certain function that needs to be executed overnight. The problem is that this function is different for each instance of the model. That being said, whenever a new hypothesis is added a corresponding function also needs to be added.

Because of the nature of financial applications, the function can either do simple arithmetic operations or integrate over an area. This leaves us with the following options:

  1. Implement a DSL (domain-specific language):
    This would be ideal, but adding branching and looping logic to a DSL seems more like creating a new programming language.

  2. STDIO pipe: Simply allow the execution of a program in a sandbox on a server. This is most flexible, but the gods of software security would not be merciful. Docker I guess?

  3. Pure sandboxed ruby code: Create a sandbox that allows only functionally pure Ruby code to be executed in it. Then simply evaluate the function inside the sandbox whenever required. This would be a security flaw as well, but not half as much as options 2. For now this option seems to be implementable using trusted-sandbox and pure.

  4. Use the octave-ruby gem: Beautiful idea. But it seems that nobody cares much about the project and we will probably need to fork it and work on it. This seem like the best option, since writing complex math expression is trivial in Octave.

  5. ???

  6. Profit

Another concern would be implementing the ability to test the functions with mock data in the admin panel, but this is not mandatory.

Can somebody suggest a better/more flexible/more secure option? Or at least one that doesn't store a function string in the database? I hope that I have explained the problem well enough.

Best Answer

I don't know how different the functions you want to store are, but if you can isolate few different "types of functions" you could do something like this :

  • Create several generic methods in your model which can make every special calculus needed with the help of some arguments :

    def integrate_over_an_area(args={})
      #Do your calculus with your args.
    def simple_arithmetics(args={})
      #Do your calculus with your args.
  • Create - for each model instance - a hash describing which generic function to use and the parameters :

     function: "integrate_over_an_area",
     args: {
       arg1: "value",
       arg2: "value",
  • Store the hashes in a column named "special_function_hash" or something like this, in your model's table

  • Create a "special_function" method in your model which calls the function described in the hash, with the arguments described in the hash
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