Extent of Programming Language Localization Dialects


Apple's scripting language AppleScript was designed with localization in mind; allowing the language to be represented in multiple dialects resembling languages from around the world.
In this way, using lexing and parsing tables, programs could be written in a style similar to that of the developer's mothertongue (or otherwise).
Although English is the only supported dialect at the time, Apple originally implemented additional dialects in French and Japanese.
Furthermore, a 'professional' dialect resembling Java was considered.

The benefits of localization of this type was considered to be that programs written in a certain language may be translated to the dialect of another, in order to aid developers co-operating internationally.
However, the method was deemed too complex due to complex conjugation and other issues when implementing dialects of certain languages other than English.

I have not heard of any other programming language adhering to localization schemes such as this, and I'm interested to hear the history of programming language dialect localization.
The only similar implementation I've found is that of Microsoft Excel, which may – apparently – be authored using nouns and verbs of multiple languages depending on user region.

My question is: what other languages, if any, implement a similar paradigm for programming language internationalization?

For those of you interested, Cook authored a great article on the development of AppleScript in the third HOPL-conference on the history of programming languages.

Best Answer

My question is: what other languages, if any, implement a similar paradigm for programming language internationalization?

Fortunately, as far as I know, there are none. I fervently hope it stays that way.

Localisation of anything important in a language or an API or any of the various defined symbols and strings that programs depend on, every time I've run across it, is an unmitigated disaster. We recently ran across the situation where software could not be installed on a Spanish version of Windows because the system-defined group usually called "Everyone" is called "Todos" in Spanish. We routinely have problems with simple things like date formats in the USA and the decimal separator in Germany. These are problems no-one needs to have embedded in their source code.

Lest it be said that I am seeking unfair advantages for English, in practice I think the opposite is true. Developers in languages other than English can typically use a wide range of defined names drawn from their own language with no fear of confusion with the reserved words and API symbols provided by the system environment. I see this as a plus.

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