.NET History – Origins of the .NET Platform


I watched Douglas Crockford's JavaScript talks recently, and at one point, he said that Microsoft did not consider JavaScript important because they saw the web as a passing phase of internet usage that would be supplanted by something loosely known at the time as "Internet X", and they wanted .NET to become "Internet X"

Of course, the web is still with us and we know .NET as an application development platform.

Can anyone tell me about the early history of .NET and how to went from being an intended replacement for the web to the platform we know it as today?

Best Answer

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring too, but two of the things that Microsoft pushed really hard for that never did happen was amongst other things

a) .Net as a cross-platform development environment One of the big selling points when .Net was introduced was the runtime/IL code architecture that would allow developers to develop for .Net and have that code work on any platform (ie Linux and Mac). Microsoft more or less promised, or at least strongly implied that runtime for other platforms where forthcoming. Unfortunately they never did come around to doing that, fortunately Mono did. It would have been nice to be able to deploy .Net apps on any platform similarily to Java but I see the strategic disadvantage that Microsoft possibly saw: If apps are "mobile" between platforms that what says people won't leave windows. "Don't f*ck with windows" as the quote famously goes

b) Smart Clients as replacements for "Web applications" Microsoft long tried to battle the web by pushing smart clients, or click once as they also where called. The concept is quite brilliant actually and I think it might catch up one day still. The idea is that you can enter an url to an application and it will be downloaded (and possibly installed) and run on the fly from within a sandbox in Windows. That way you can code an actual GUI application that have the ease of deployment of a webpage but power of a "real application". The problem was that the security model was way too complicated for it being practical together with the fact that the need really wasn't there yet. It was cloud apps before cloud apps even was becoming popular. Now with the cloud making a strong appearance and multi-core development becoming more and more crucial I can see a comeback for that concept, they have to make it way more easier to develop and deploy though.

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