The most effective order to learn SQL Server, LINQ, and Entity Framework

entity-frameworklinqsql server

I am trying to get some advice on what order I should learn about SQL Server, LINQ, and Entity Framework to be able to better work with ASP.NET Webforms and MVC.

From what I've been able to learn so far, many recommend learning LINQ or Entity Framework before learning SQL Server. It also appears that many companies are looking for people with knowledge in LINQ-to-SQL and Entity Framework without mentioning SQL Server. However, my understanding is that LINQ-to-SQL and Entity Framework translate code into SQL Server queries, making this a poor approach.

Is there a correct or best order in which to learn these technologies?

Best Answer

You are correct - you should learn SQL Server either before or along with the other skills. I've seen plenty of entity-framework queries blow up because SQL Server couldn't handle the SQL that was passed to it.

I believe we should use the right tool for any job. Often, SQL Server is the best tool to perform a particular task.

It's true that "he who has a hammer treats everything like a nail". If you only learn LINQ-to-Entities, you'll occasionally use LINQ-to-Entities when you should have used a stored proc on SQL Server.