TDD – Relative Cost Efficiency of Acceptance Test Driven Development


I would like to know what the overall impact of resource planning on a software project is, where the requirements and design of the project are driven by automated acceptance tests and unit tests, in contrast to a more "traditional" approach to software development.

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What, in your experience, is the overall effect on resource requirements for completing a software project under TDD, as opposed to more "traditional" development methodologies? It seems self-evident to me that quality would increase, and the amount of uncertainty decreases because testing is done earlier, but requiring tests up front seems like it would require more developer hours to accomplish. How much does the development effort increase, or does it actually decrease due to the up-front elimination of bugs?

How much more effort is required from the customer? Do they have to change the way they relate to the project, especially if they are used to big design up front? Does the number of hours required of the customer overall increase, or does it actually decrease?

I would imagine that time estimates would be very vague in an iterative TDD process at the beginning of a TDD project (since there is no Software Development Plan). Is there a point, say, 20% into a project, where confidence increases enough that a more or less stable time and money estimate can eventually be provided to the customer?

Note: I'm not looking for subjective opinions or theories here, so please don't speculate. I'm looking more for real-world experience in TDD.

Best Answer

The first thing that needs to be stated is that TDD does not necessarily increase the quality of the software (from the user's point of view). It is not a silver bullet. It is not a panacea. Decreasing the number of bugs is not why we do TDD.

TDD is done primarily because it results in better code. More specifically, TDD results in code that is easier to change.

Whether or not you wish to use TDD depends more on your goals for the project. Is this going to be a short term consulting project? Are you required to support the project after go-live? Is it a trivial project? The added overhead may not be worth it in these cases.

However, it is my experience that the value proposition for TDD grows exponentially as the time and resources involved in a project grows linearly.

Good unit tests give the following advantages:

  1. Unit tests warn developers of unintended side-effects.
  2. Unit tests allow for rapid development of new functionality on old, mature systems.
  3. Unit tests give new developers a faster and more accurate understanding of the code.

A side effect of TDD might be less bugs, but unfortunately it is my experience that most bugs (particularly the most nasty ones) are usually caused by unclear or poor requirements or would not necessarily be covered by the first round of unit testing.

To summarise:

Development on version 1 might be slower. Development on version 2-10 will be faster.

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