How to Show a Big Use-Case Diagram – Best Practices


I have the big use-case diagram:

enter image description here

May I pack some use-cases in packages and then show diagram by the following way:

enter image description here

Best Answer

I think you're missing the point of use case diagrams. They aren't to say, here's an actor, here's a use case. Your diagrams should be taking me through the story of a use case. That story should be more than just one oval. Whether you should be bundling multiple use cases together in one diagram has more to do with how complex the use cases are and if they fit on one page.

If you're just looking for a way to abstract similar use cases together because the rest of their story is identical then sure. Use whatever grouping picture you like. Just be consistent.

If you wish to show a multitude of something without giving each one a different label the stack has always been my choice. It's easy to do on the whiteboard as well.

enter image description here

With this you can start to ask, is the package box still needed? Could each oval simply be labeled "basic use case" and "additional use case"? If the oval is known to be a use case can you just use "basic" and "additional"?