Time allocated to code reviews


If you are doing code reviews

  • How much time do you spend on code reviews, compared to implementation?
  • How much of the changes undergo code review?
  • you think it's to much / should be more?

Are there any studies about effectiveness?

[edit] thank you all for the answers, it's hard to pick a "winner" for such a question, there is lots of valuable info in the other replies, too.

Best Answer

At my work we have the following procedure for code reviews. It has worked well for us so far, and we found it to be very time-efficient, especially in terms of man-hours. We do not really have any specific time allocated to the reviews. Every commit or merge to the trunk must be reviewed, and it takes as long as it takes for the reviewer to ok it.

Edit: The time it takes, of course, depends on the magnitude of the change. Small features and bug fixes take minutes. Large new features, refactorings, or changes that affect many parts of the system can take half a day to review and another day to address all the issues that come up as a result.

To make this system work it is crucial to commit to the trunk often, so that the changes are of manageable size. You do not want to have the situation when you have to review a year's worth of somebody's code.

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