Time complexity of a Nested While loop in a for loop


I'm trying to derive the simplified asymptotic running time in Theta() notation for the two nested loops below.

For i <-- 1 to n do
    j <-- 1
    while j*j <= i
        j = j+1
For i <-- 1 to n
    j <-- 2
    while j <= n
        j = j*j

I have been trying to solve this using the summation method but not really getting the right answer. The picture below shows my attempts at the problem, I was able to get (n^3/2) for the first algorithm, however, I wasn't sure how to proceed with the second algorithm.

enter image description here

Best Answer

First algorithm

We iterate n times in the outer loop. For every iteration i, the inner loop iterates from 1 to sqrt(i), so sqrt(i) times. So the total number of iterations is:

 ∑ √i

I spare you and me the maths, but the result can be approximated by the integral of √n which is (2/3)*n^(3/2). For very big numbers, this is mainly driven by the strongest polynomial factor, so the the complexity is O(n^(3/2)).

Second alogrithm

If there's a typo and the while should be <= i

We iterate n times in the outer loop. For every iteration i, the inner loop iterates k times, where k is such that 2^k>i. k can easily be determined as log2(i) so log(i)/log(2).

so this time we have a total number of iteration of

 1      n
---- .  ∑ log(i)
log2   i=1

For the order of magnitude, we can ignore the constant coefficient and just look at the sum. Again, sparing you (and me!) the math, the sum is log(n!) which is approximated by nlog(n)

If there is no typo and it's really <= n

Then you perform n times the same inner loop which is made of log(n)/log(2) iterations, so here the number of iteration is

 1      n             1
---- .  ∑ log(n)  = ---- . n log(n)
log2   i=1          log2

So it's exactly O(nlog(n))