Exception Handling – Try Catch and Flow Control Dilemma

control-structuresexception handlingexceptions

I am aware that doing Flow Control on a program using a try-catch block is bad practice, but I can't see how to do it in another way when the error caught needs a redirection of the code's execution.

For example, let's say I have screen where the user clicks a button, and on the buttons click I execute some code. After the code ends execution, I redirect the user to a new screen….

… But the code execution can failure, and in that case, I need to let the user know of the failure and redirect him to the previous screen.

The way I will do it is:

catch(Exception e) 

Even if I change this to:

bool hasError = false;

catch(Exception e) 
      hasError = true;

  if(hasError) { GoBack(); } 
  else { NavigateToNextScreen();} 

It's still doing Flow Control inside the try-catch block.

So, is it there a recommend way to handle this properly and avoid this bad practice?

Best Answer

It seems that you have misunderstood what is meant when people say that you shouldn't use exceptions for flow-control in your program.

Throwing an exception and catching that exception elsewhere in your program changes the control flow of the program. In that way, exception handling is a flow-control construct, just like a while loop or a goto statement.

What sets exception handling apart from other flow-control constructs is that exception handling can let you exit multiple function invocations at once, but that power also makes it an expensive operations because the runtime environment has to figure out which catch block to jump to.

The relative cost of handling exceptions is the source for the adagio not to use them for flow-control, but what is actually meant is that you should not use exceptions to realize a flow through your program that is expected to happen with any regularity.
Exceptions are a perfect tool if you encounter an error and need to bail out of multiple levels of you call stack. They are exactly the wrong tool to jump out of a loop because you found what you were looking for.

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