Try to find a word in the dictionary that has most letters given


I recently came across an algorithm design problem that I'd like some help with:

Given some letters, for example a,e,o,g,z,k,l,j,w,n and a dictionary of words. Find a word in the dictionary that has most letters.

My first attempt:

Let us assume that the dictionary is in a tree. Start by finding the permutations of the given letters, here we could be using recursion, we can prune the recursion tree, by checking the letters in the dictionary. and we maintain a variable which holds the largest string formed till now.

How is this solution? Is there a better one?

Best Answer

The best you can do is reduce the number of comparisons to the number of letters in the dictionary.

sought: a,e,o,g,z,k,l,j,w,n

  1. make index of alphabet where sought keys have value 1, the rest: 0.

       index={a:1, b:0, c:0, d:0, e:1, f:0, g:1...}
  2. Iterate over each word of dictionary. Add value of the index to sum of that word. Remember word position and value if it's greater than best.

    foreach(dictionary as position=>word)
        foreach(word as letter)
          sum += index[letter];
        if(sum > max)
            max = sum;
            max_index = position;

max_index points to the word with maximum of the letters. Some optimizations may be skipping words shorter than the current max, or starting with dictionary sorted by word length and stopping once word length drops to max currently found.

This is assuming letters from the list are allowed to repeat any number of times. If they are not, make the index contain number of given type of letters, increment sum by 1 on each find of non-zero index value and decrement the index. (reset index on each line.)

In this time optimizations could be, on top of the previous ones: abort checking word if less than max-sum letters remain, abort operation if word with all letters is found.

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