Type Inference in Golang and Haskell – Key Concepts


I've read that Go doesn't actually have true type inference in the sense that functional languages such as ML or Haskell have, but I haven't been able to find a simple to understand comparison of the two versions. Could someone explain in basic terms how type inference in Go differs from type inference in Haskell, and the pros/cons of each?

Best Answer

See this StackOverflow answer regarding Go's type inference. I'm not familiar with Go myself but based on this answer it seems like a one-way "type deduction" (to borrow some C++ teminology). It means that if you have:

x := y + z

then the type of x is deduced by figuring out the type of y + z, which is a relatively trivial thing to do for the compiler. To do this, the types of y and z need to be known a priori: this could be done via type annotations or inferred from the literals assigned to them.

In contrast, most functional languages have type inference that uses all possible information within a module (or function, if the inference algorithm is local) to derive the type of the variables. Complicated inference algorithms (such as Hindley-Milner) often involve some form of type unification (a bit like solving equations) behind the scenes. For example, in Haskell, if you write:

let x = y + z

then Haskell can infer the type not just x but also y and z simply based on the fact that you're performing addition on them. In this case:

x :: Num a => a
y :: Num a => a
z :: Num a => a

(The lowercase a here denotes a polymorphic type, often called "generics" in other languages like C++. The Num a => part is a constraint to indicate that the type a support have some notion of addition.)

Here's a more interesting example: the fixed-point combinator that allows any recursive function to be defined:

let fix f = f (fix f)

Notice that nowhere have we specified the type of f, nor did we specify the type of fix, yet the Haskell compiler can automatically figure out that:

f :: t -> t
fix :: (t -> t) -> t

This says that:

  • The parameter f must be a function from some arbitrary type t to the same type t.
  • fix is a function that receives a parameter of type t -> t and returns a result of type t.
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