Big O Notation – Understanding Comparison in Algorithms

algorithmslinked list

I was going through this heavily discussed and highly voted question on SO and stumbled across one comment that got 5 upvotes.

So I assume this was a great comment.But it got my head spinning at the same time. Can any one explain this comment? The comment says:

You can't compare big-O values directly without thinking about constant factors. For small lists (and most lists are small), ArrayList's O(N) is faster than LinkedList's O(1).

Best Answer

all O(1) means is that it takes constant time, but not necessarily 1 unit of time. So for a concrete example, let's say the LinkedList takes 3 seconds to access any element. This is in constant time, but it is fairly slow. It is not hard to imagine a situation where we have an Arraylist with O(n) access, but where n is small enough that no element would take more than 2 seconds to access. In such cases, the ArrayList would actually be faster than the LinkedList.

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