Unit of Work pattern


I have gone through many articles and I am still confused whether to use the Unit of Work pattern or not. I use generic repositories (Repository Pattern) but if my understanding of the UOW pattern is correct, most persistence tools today offer a unit of work pattern already implemented (DbContext, ObjectContext, DbSet).

I want to know if, in such cases, we should not try to implement the UOW pattern altogether? or I did see in one of the articles (sorry can't reference it since I missed it somewhere) that they had wrapped the DbContext inside an UOW class and I was left wondering what reason they might have of doing so.

Best Answer

DBContext only provides you with a UoW pattern if you code up all the changes in one go yourself, which is pretty much no different to writing a single query in SQL yourself.

You should use the UoW pattern if performance is your concern - writing a single hit to the DB is better than writing 1 hit per change. However, most people use an ORM for RAD tooling ease-of-use, not performance. If this is what your solution is focussed on, then forget UoW. If you need performance then you should be considering rolling your own UoW pattern by using direct SQL anyway.