Unit-testing – Are asserts or unit tests more important

assertionstestingunit testing

Both asserts and unit tests serve as documentation for a codebase, and a means of discovering bugs. The main differences are that asserts function as sanity checks and see real inputs, whereas unit tests run on specific simulated inputs and are tests against a single well-defined "right answer". What are the relative merits of using asserts vs. unit tests as the main means of verifying correctness? Which do you believe should be emphasized more heavily?

Best Answer

Asserts are useful for telling you about the internal state of the program. For example, that your data structures have a valid state, e.g., that a Time data structure won't hold the value of 25:61:61. The conditions checked by asserts are:

  • Preconditions, which assure that the caller keeps its contract,

  • Postconditions, which assure that the callee keeps its contract, and

  • Invariants, which assure that the data structure always holds some property after the function returns. An invariant is a condition that is a precondition and a postcondition.

Unit tests are useful for telling you about the external behavior of the module. Your Stack may have a consistent state after the push() method is called, but if the size of the stack doesn't increase by three after it is called three times, then that is an error. (For example, the trivial case where the incorrect push() implementation only checks the asserts and exits.)

Strictly speaking, the major difference between asserts and unit tests is that unit tests have test data (values to get the program to run), while asserts do not. That is, you can execute your unit tests automatically, while you cannot say the same for assertions. For the sake of this discussion I've assumed that you are talking about executing the program in the context of higher-order function tests (which execute the whole program, and do not drive modules like unit tests). If you are not talking about automated function tests as the means to "see real inputs", then clearly the value lies in automation, and thus the unit tests would win. If you are talking about this in the context of (automated) function tests, then see below.

There can be some overlap in what is being tested. For example, a Stack's postcondition may actually assert that the stack size increases by one. But there are limits to what can be performed in that assert: Should it also check that the top element is what was just added?

For both, the goal is to increase quality. For unit testing, the goal is to find bugs. For assertions, the goal is to make debugging easier by observing invalid program states as soon as they occur.

Note that neither technique verifies correctness. In fact, if you conduct unit testing with the goal to verify the program is correct, you will likely come up with uninteresting test that you know will work. It's a psychological effect: you'll do whatever it is to meet your goal. If your goal is to find bugs, your activities will reflect that.

Both are important, and have their own purposes.

[As a final note about assertions: To get the most value, you need to use them at all critical points in your program, and not a few key functions. Otherwise, the original source of the problem might have been masked and hard to detect without hours of debugging.]

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