How to Write Unit Tests Without Extensive Mocking

integration-testsmockingstubtestingunit testing

As I understand, the point of unit tests is to test units of code in isolation. This means, that:

  1. They should not break by any unrelated code change elsewhere in the codebase.
  2. Only one unit test should break by a bug in the tested unit, as opposed to integration tests (which may break in heaps).

All of this implies, that every outside dependency of a tested unit, should be mocked out. And I mean all the outside dependencies, not only the "outside layers" such as networking, filesystem, database, etc..

This leads to a logical conclusion, that virtually every unit test needs to mock. On the other hand, a quick Google search about mocking reveals tons of articles that claim that "mocking is a code smell" and should mostly (though not completely) be avoided.

Now, to the question(s).

  1. How should unit tests be written properly?
  2. Where exactly does the line between them and the integration tests lie?

Update 1

Please consider the following pseudo code:

class Person {
    constructor(calculator) {}

    calculate(a, b) {
        const sum = this.calculator.add(a, b);

        // do some other stuff with the `sum`

Can a test that tests the Person.calculate method without mocking the Calculator dependency (given, that the Calculator is a lightweight class that does not access "the outside world") be considered a unit test?

Best Answer

the point of unit tests is to test units of code in isolation.

Martin Fowler on Unit Test

Unit testing is often talked about in software development, and is a term that I've been familiar with during my whole time writing programs. Like most software development terminology, however, it's very ill-defined, and I see confusion can often occur when people think that it's more tightly defined than it actually is.

What Kent Beck wrote in Test Driven Development, By Example

I call them "unit tests", but they don't match the accepted definition of unit tests very well

Any given claim of "the point of unit tests is" will depend heavily on what definition of "unit test" is being considered.

If your perspective is that your program is composed of many small units that depend on one another, and if you constrain yourself to a style that tests each unit in isolation, then a lot of test doubles is an inevitable conclusion.

The conflicting advice that you see comes from people operating under a different set of assumptions.

For example, if you are writing tests to support developers during the process of refactoring, and splitting one unit into two is a refactoring that should be supported, then something needs to give. Maybe this kind of test needs a different name (ex: "component test" was used by Boris Beizer)? Or maybe we need a different understanding of "unit".

You may want to compare:

Can a test that tests the Person.calculate method without mocking the Calculator dependency (given, that the Calculator is a lightweight class that does not access "the outside world") be considered a unit test?

I think that's the wrong question to ask; it's again an argument about labels, when I believe what we actually care about are properties.

When I'm introducing changes to the code, I don't care about isolation of tests -- I already know that "the mistake" is somewhere in my current stack of unverified edits. If I run the tests frequently, then I limit the depth of that stack, and finding the mistake is trivial (in the extreme case, the tests are run after every edit -- the max depth of the stack is one). But running the tests isn't the goal -- it's an interruption -- so there is value in reducing the impact of the interruption. One way of reducing the interruption is to ensure that the tests are fast (Gary Bernhardt suggests 300ms, but I haven't figured out how to do that in my circumstances).

If invoking Calculator::add doesn't significantly increase the time required to run the test (or any of the other important properties for this use case), then I wouldn't bother using a test double -- it doesn't provide benefits that outweigh the costs.

Notice the two assumptions here: a human being as part of the cost evaluation, and the short stack of unverified changes in the benefit evaluation. In circumstances where those conditions do not hold, the value of "isolation" changes quite a bit.

See also Hot Lava, by Harry Percival.

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