Unit-testing – How to properly compare double values for equality in a unit test

netnumbersunit testing

I recently designed a time series module where my time series is essentially a SortedDictionnary<DateTime, double>.

Now I would like to create unit tests to make sure that this module is always working and producing the expected result.

A common operation is to compute the performance between the points in the time series.

So what I do is create a time series with, say, {1.0, 2.0, 4.0} (at some dates), and I expect the result to be {100%, 100%}.

The thing is, if I manually create a time series with the values {1.0, 1.0} and I check for equality (by comparing each point), the test would not pass, as there will always be inaccuracies when working with binary representations of real numbers.

Hence, I decided to create the following function:

private static bool isCloseEnough(double expected, double actual, double tolerance=0.002)
    return squaredDifference(expected, actual) < Math.Pow(tolerance,2);

Is there another common way of dealing with such a case?

Best Answer

I can think of two other ways to deal with this problem:

You can use Is.InRange:

Assert.That(result, Is.InRange(expected-tolerance, expected+tolerance));

You can use Math.Round:

Assert.That(Math.Round(result, sigDigits), Is.EqualTo(expected));

I think that both ways are more expressive than a dedicated function, because the reader can see precisely what's going on with your number before it gets compared to the expected value.

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