Unit Testing – Is 100% Test Coverage Possible?

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In thinking about formal verification techniques, you also need to have test coverage. But as that article shows, you can easily say you have "100% test coverage", but every test doesn't have any assertions. That is the extreme. But I'm wondering if there is ever a situation where you can say that you have 100% test coverage somehow. Similar to how a model checker can check every possible path and state in your application, wondering if a testing tool can be said to cover the same level of thoroughness as a model checker. Basically wondering if there is a way to be thorough enough with your tests to know that you have 100% percent coverage, without explicitly writing every possible combination of things.

Best Answer

There are strategies that can produce deep code coverage metrics. Mutation testing is one example. Roughly speaking, mutation testing ensures that any logical change to the program results in a failed test by actually running the tests against every logical permutation of a program. If a logical change doesn't produce a failing test, it represents a meaningful test coverage gap.

My disclaimer: I've never actually performed mutation testing. I can't speak to how feasible or valuable it really is. But, in theory, it sounds pretty darn slick. In practice, however, most businesses can survive (and thrive) on hiring good developers who are engaged, interested, and insist on following good development practices.

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