Unit Testing – Is It Bad Practice to Enforce Execution Order for Unit Tests?

patterns-and-practicestestingunit testing

I am writing tests for a project that consists of multiple submodules. Each test case that I have written runs independent of each other and I clear all data between tests.

Even though the tests run independently, I am considering enforcing an execution order, as some cases require more than one submodule. For example, a submodule is generating data, and another one is running queries on the data. If the submodule generating the data contains an error, the test for the query submodule will also fail, even if the submodule itself works fine.

I can not work with dummy data, as the main functionality I am testing is the connection to a black box remote server, which only gets the data from the first submodule.

In this case, is it OK to enforce an execution order for the tests or is it bad practice? I feel like there is a smell in this setup, but I can not find a better way around.

edit: the question is from How to structure tests where one test is another test's setup? as the "previous" test is not a setup, but tests the code which performs the setup.

Best Answer

I can not work with dummy data, as the main functionality I am testing is the connection to a black box remote server, which only gets the data from the first submodule.

This is the key part for me. You can talk about "unit tests" and them "running independently of each other", but they all sound like they are reliant on this remote server and reliant on the "first sub module". So everything sounds tightly coupled and dependent on external state. As such, you are in fact writing integration tests. Having those tests run in a specific order is quite normal as they are highly dependent on external factors. An ordered test run, with the option of an early quit out of the test run if things goes wrong is perfectly acceptable for integration tests.

But, it would also be worth taking a fresh look at the structure of your app. Being able to mock out the first submodule and external server would then potentially allow you to write true unit tests for all the other submodules.

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