Unit-testing – need unit tests for testing repository methods

integration-testsunit testing

I need to play devils advocate on this question a bit because I cannot defend it well because of lack of experience. Here is the deal, I get conceptually the differences between unit testing and integration testing. When specifically focusing in on persistence methods and the repository, a unit test would use a mock possibly via a framework like Moq to assert that say an order searched for was returned as expected.

Let's say I have built the following unit test:

public void GetOrderByIDTest()
   //Uses Moq for dependency for getting order to make sure 
   //ID I set up in 'Arrange' is same one returned to test in 'Assertion'

So if I set up OrderIdExpected = 5 and my mock object returns 5 as the ID my test will pass. I get it. I unit tested the code to make sure what my code preforms returns the expected object and ID and not something else.

The argument I will get is this:

"Why not just skip the unit tests and do integration tests? It's
testing the database stored procedure and your code together that's
important. It seems like too much extra work to have unit tests and
integration tests when ultimately I want to know if the database calls
and the code work. I know the tests take longer, but they have to be run and tested regardless so it seems pointless to me to have both. Just test against what matters."

I could defend it with a text book definition like: "Well that's an integration test and we need to test the code separately as a unit test and, yada, yada, yada…" This is a case where a purist explanation of practices vs. reality is loosing out. I run into this sometimes and if I can't defend the reasoning behind unit testing code that ultimately relies on external dependencies, than I can't make a case for it.

Any help on this question is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer

Unit tests and integration tests have different purposes.

Unit tests verify the functionality of your code... that you get what you expect back from the method when you call it. Integration tests test how the code behaves when combined together as a system. You wouldn't expect unit tests to evaluate system behavior, nor would you expect integration tests to verify specific outputs of a particular method.

Unit tests, when done correctly, are easier to set up than integration tests. If you rely solely on integration tests, your testing is going to:

  1. Be more difficult to write, overall,
  2. Be more brittle, due to all of the required dependencies, and
  3. Offer less code coverage.

Bottom line: Use integration testing to verify that the connections between objects are working properly, but lean on unit testing first to verify functional requirements.

All that said, you may not need unit testing for certain repository methods. Unit testing should not be done on trivial methods; if all you're doing is passing through a request for an object to ORM generated code and returning a result, you don't need to unit test that, in most cases; an integration test is adequate.

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