Unit Testing – Value of Writing Subset Tests

unit testing

To give a slightly contrived example, let's say I want to test that a function returns two numbers, and that the first one is smaller than the second one:

def test_length():
    result = my_function()
    assert len(result) == 2

def test_order()
    a, b = my_function()
    assert a < b

Here, if test_length fails, then test_order will fail too. Is it a best practice to write test_length, or to skip it?

EDIT: note that in this situation, both tests are mostly independent from each other, each one can be run in isolation, or they could be run in reverse order, this does not matter. So none of these former questions

is a duplicate of the one above.

Best Answer

There can be value, but this is a bit of a smell. Either your tests aren't well isolated (since test_order really tests two things) or you're being too dogmatic in your testing (making two tests testing the same logical thing).

In the example, I would merge the two tests together. Yes, it means you have multiple asserts. Too bad. You're still testing a single thing - the result of the function. Sometimes in the real world that means doing two checks.

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