Unit Testing – Should You Break the Build When a Bug is Found in Production?

buildstddunit testing

It seems reasonable to me that if a serious bug is found in production by end-users, a failing unit test should be added to cover that bug, thus intentionally breaking the build until the bug is fixed. My rationale for this is that the build should have been failing all along, but wasn't due to inadequate automated test coverage.

Several of my colleagues have disagreed saying that a failing unit test shouldn't be checked in. I agree with this viewpoint in terms of normal TDD practices, but I think that production bugs should be handled differently – after all why would you want to allow a build to succeed with known defects?

Does anyone else have proven strategies for handling this scenario? I understand intentionally breaking the build could be disruptive to other team members, but that entirely depends on how you're using branches.

Best Answer

Our strategy is:

Check in a failing test, but annotate it with @Ignore("fails because of Bug #1234").

That way, the test is there, but the build does not break.

Of course you note the ignored test in the bug db, so the @Ignore is removed once the test is fixed. This also serves as an easy check for the bug fix.

The point of breaking the build on failing tests is not to somehow put the team under pressure - it's to alert them to a problem. Once the problem is identified and filed in the bug DB, there's no point in having the test run for every build - you know that it will fail.

Of course, the bug should still be fixed. But scheduling the fix is a business decision, and thus not really the dev's concern... To me, once a bug is filed in the bug DB, it's no longer my problem, until the customer/product owner tells me they want it fixed.

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