Unit-testing – TDD vs. Productivity

tddunit testing

In my current project (a game, in C++), I decided that I would use Test Driven Development 100% during development.

In terms of code quality, this has been great. My code has never been so well designed or so bug-free. I don't cringe when viewing code I wrote a year ago at the start of the project, and I have gained a much better sense for how to structure things, not only to be more easily testable, but to be simpler to implement and use.

However… it has been a year since I started the project. Granted, I can only work on it in my spare time, but TDD is still slowing me down considerably compared to what I'm used to. I read that the slower development speed gets better over time, and I definitely do think up tests a lot more easily than I used to, but I've been at it for a year now and I'm still working at a snail's pace.

Each time I think about the next step that needs work, I have to stop every time and think about how I would write a test for it, to allow me to write the actual code. I'll sometimes get stuck for hours, knowing exactly what code I want to write, but not knowing how to break it down finely enough to fully cover it with tests. Other times, I'll quickly think up a dozen tests, and spend an hour writing tests to cover a tiny piece of real code that would have otherwise taken a few minutes to write.

Or, after finishing the 50th test to cover a particular entity in the game and all aspects of it's creation and usage, I look at my to-do list and see the next entity to be coded, and cringe in horror at the thought of writing another 50 similar tests to get it implemented.

It's gotten to the point that, looking over the progress of the last year, I'm considering abandoning TDD for the sake of "getting the damn project finished". However, giving up the code quality that came with it is not something I'm looking forward to. I'm afraid that if I stop writing tests, then I'll slip out of the habit of making the code so modular and testable.

Am I perhaps doing something wrong to still be so slow at this? Are there alternatives that speed up productivity without completely losing the benefits? TAD? Less test coverage? How do other people survive TDD without killing all productivity and motivation?

Best Answer

Let me begin by thanking you to share your experience and voicing out your concerns... which I have to say are not uncommon.

  • Time/Productivity: Writing tests is slower than not writing tests. If you scope it to that, I'd agree. However if you run a parallel effort where you apply a non-TDD approach, chances are that the time you spend break-detect-debug-and-fix existing code will put you in the net negative. For me, TDD is the fastest I can go without compromising on my code-confidence. If you find things in your method, that are not adding value, eliminate them.
  • Number of tests: If you code up N things, you need to test N things. to paraphrase one of Kent Beck's lines "Test only if you would want it to work."
  • Getting stuck for hours: I do too (sometimes and not > 20 mins before I stop the line).. It's just your code telling you that the design needs some work. A test is just another client for your SUT class. If a test is finding it difficult to use your type, chances are so will your production clients.
  • Similar tests tedium : This needs some more context for me to write up a counterargument. That said, Stop and think about the similarity. Can you data-drive those tests somehow? Is it possible to write tests against a base-type? Then you just need to run the same set of tests against each derivation. Listen to your tests. Be the right kind of lazy and see if you can figure out a way to avoid tedium.
  • Stopping to think about what you need to do next (the test/spec) isn't a bad thing. On the contrary, it's recommended so that you build "the right thing". Usually if I can't think of how to test it, I usually can't think of the implementation either. It's a good idea to blank out implementation ideas till you get there.. maybe a simpler solution is overshadowed by a YAGNI-ish pre-emptive design.

And that brings me to the final query : How do I get better ? My (or An) answer is Read, Reflect and Practice.

e.g. Of late, I keep tabs on

  • whether my rhythm reflects RG[Ref]RG[Ref]RG[Ref] or is it RRRRGRRef.
  • % time spent in the Red / Compile Error state.
  • Am I stuck in a Red/Broken builds state?
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