Unit-testing – Types of unit tests based on usefulness

tddunit testing

From value point of view I see two groups of unit tests in my practice:

  1. Tests that test some non-trivial logic. Writing them (either before
    implementation or after) reveals some problems/potential bugs and
    helps to be confident in case logic is changed in the future.
  2. Tests that test some very trivial logic. Those tests more like
    document code (typically with mocks) than test it. The maintenance
    workflow of those tests is not "some logic changed, test became red – thanks God I wrote this test" but "some trivial code changed, test became false negative – I have to maintain (rewrite) the test
    without gaining any profit". Most of the time those tests are not
    worth maintaining (except religious reasons). And according to my
    experience in many systems those tests are like 80% of all tests.

I am trying to find out what other guys think on the topic of unit tests separation by value and how it corresponds to my separation. But what I mostly see is either fulltime TDD propaganda or tests-are-useless-just-write-the-code propaganda. I'm interested in something in the middle. Your own thoughts or references to articles/papers/books are welcome.

Best Answer

I think it's natural to encounter a divide within unit testing. There are many different opinions on how to do it properly and naturally all other opinions are inherently wrong. There are quite a few articles on DrDobbs recently that explore this very issue to which I link at the end of my answer.

The first problem I see with tests is that it's easy to get them wrong. In my college C++ class we were exposed to unit tests in both the first and second semester. We knew nothing about programming in general in either of the semesters- we were trying to learn the fundamentals of programming via C++. Now imagine telling the students, "Oh hey, you wrote a little yearly tax calculator! Now write some unit tests to ensure that it works correctly." The results should be obvious- they were all horrible, including my attempts.

Once you admit that you suck at writing unit tests and wish to get better, you will soon be faced with either trendy styles of testing or different methodologies. By testing methodologies I refer to practices such as test-first or what Andrew Binstock of DrDobbs does, which is write the tests alongside the code. Both have their pros and cons and I refuse to go into any subjective detail because that will incite a flame war. If you're not confused about which programming methodology is better, then maybe the style of testing will do the trick. Should you use TDD, BDD, Property-based testing? JUnit has advanced concepts called Theories that blurs the line between TDD and Property-based testing. Which to use when?

tl;dr It's easy to get testing wrong, it's incredibly opinionated and I don't believe that any one testing methodology is inherently better as long as they are used diligently and professionally within the context that they're appropriate in. Furthermore, testing is in my mind an extension to assertions or sanity-tests that used to ensure a fail-fast ad-hoc approach to development which is now much, much easier.

For a subjective opinion, I prefer to write "phases" of tests, for lack of a better phrase. I write unit tests which test classes in isolation, using mocks where necessary. These will probably be executed with JUnit or something similar. Then I write integration or acceptance tests, these are run separately and usually only a few times a day. These are your non-trivial use case. I usually use BDD as it is nice to express features in natural language, something that JUnit cannot easily provide.

Lastly, resources. These will present conflicting opinions mostly centered around unit testing in different languages and with different frameworks. They should present the divide in ideology and methodology while allowing you to make up your own opinion as long as I haven't manipulated yours too much already :)

[1] The Corruption of Agile by Andrew Binstock

[2] Response to the Responses of the previous article

[3] Response to Corruption of Agile by Uncle Bob

[4]Response to Corruption of Agile by Rob Myers

[5]Why Bother With Cucumber Testing?

[6] You're Cuking it Wrong

[7]Step Away From the Tools

[8]Commentary on 'Roman Numerals Kata with Commentary'

[9]Roman Numerals Kata With Commentary

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