Unit Testing for Newbie Teams

tddunit testingvisual studio

I'm working with a new team that has historically not done ANY unit testing. My goal is for the team to eventually employ TDD (Test Driven Development) as their natural process. But since TDD is such a radical mind shift for a non-unit testing team I thought I would just start off with writing unit tests after coding.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? What's an effective way to get a team to be comfortable with TDD when they've not done any unit testing? Does it make sense to do this in a couple of steps? Or should we dive right in and face all the growing pains at once??


Just for clarification, there is no one on the team (other than myself) who has ANY unit testing exposure/experience. And we are planning on using the unit testing functionality built into Visual Studio.

Best Answer

Practice on existing bugs/defects.

This is a really tough situation. I've never gone all the way to TDD from nothing before, but in my experience, getting a team to go from no unit tests to proactively writing them has been a very "one step at a time" approach.

First, get them comfortable writing unit tests and knowing really what they are and their benefits. For my teams, it's been best to write unit tests for existing bugs. Current bugs in systems have two things that you need to teach people to write unit tests well:

  1. an expected precondition and postcondition
  2. an outcome that currently is not what is expected and violates that precondition/postcondition

This gives members very concrete practice examples. They can write a test before they fix the bug, so that it fails. Then, they can fix the code so that it passes, and fixes the bug. Once they're comfortable with this, then you can get them the rest of the way so that they can write unit tests with no code up-front and then write new code to get their tests to pass.

I think the trick is to give them something to practice on where there are clear method pre/post-conditions. If requirements for methods are fuzzy, it's hard for even experienced TDD people to know exactly where to start. Take it a step at time and you'll get there. Good luck!