Identifying Unknown Design Patterns


I am currently trying to refactor some code and one of the problems I came across was the constructors had far too many parameters (15 in fact) and was being initialised by another object which had the same amount of properties.

I am meant to be reducing the amount of classes we have so creating a set of classes which represented the different parts of the parameters seemed silly so I began looking and the best answer I came across was from this question on stackoverflow.

public class DoSomeActionParameters
    readonly string _a;
    readonly int _b;

    public string A { get { return _a; } }
    public int B{ get { return _b; } }

    DoSomeActionParameters(Initializer data)
        _a = data.A;
        _b = data.B;

    public class Initializer
        public Initializer()
            A = "(unknown)";
            B = 88;

        public string A { get; set; }
        public int B { get; set; }

    public static DoSomeActionParameters Create(Action<Initializer> assign)
        var i = new Initializer();

        return new DoSomeActionParameters(i);

which can be called like so using a lambda

        i => {
            i.A = "Hello";

I really liked this method even though it doesn't solve directly the problem of actually initialising the class, it does make it mean that I can have one constructor instead of 3. Also it doesn't require my class to know about objects it doesn't care about.

My problem is however, I do not know what this pattern is called so I can't do any further research on it to find out if it is still valid, is superseded by
another pattern or whether it has sever performance issues. From my research the closest pattern I could find is the builder pattern but it seems to be more of an extension on that.

As a bonus point, it would be great if you could give me a hand with how to make certain parameters mandatory as we have about 10 parameters from the database and 5 more which are just flags which we don't really need to know about.

Best Answer

I'd call this the "Elephant in the Room" (anti)pattern. You are focusing on the minutiae whilst ignoring the bigger problem. If you have a class that requires 15 constructor parameters, then this a warning sign that the class is doing too much and thus needs too much configuration.

The "pattern" you need here therefore is the Single Responsibility Principle. Examine the class, work out how many (likely quite distinct) things it's doing and start breaking those out into smaller, more focused, classes. Each will only then need a few constructor parameters.

To begin with, this will create more classes; but they'll be good classes. As you apply this to the mutated mess of similar classes, you'll be able to replace large parts of those with your new classes and what's left will again be better quality, more focused classes.

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