GPL Licensing – Can GPL’d PGP Library Be Used Internally in a Company?


This PGP library was bought up by Network Associates and then eventually Symantec Corporation.

The source code is available and is licensed under the GPL (it was linked to from here).

They have a source code license here:

Even though this code is licensed under the GPL, are they restricting me from using it for business purposes. i.e. I am not making any modifications to the code, I am not linking the code into any other commercial or otherwise business application. I just want to run the command line and desktop applications as part of the normal day-today goings on of my business (signing and encrypting emails).

Is this permissable?


After having carefully re-read this page:

I have just noticed that the library itself is not licensed under the GPL:

Modifications to GPL Code
Although PGP® software itself is not subject to
the GNU General Public License (GPL),
PGP Corporation utilizes certain code
subject to the GPL

However, the question and answers, had the library been fully GPL'd did help.

Best Answer

The GPL says you are to free to run, distribute, modify and study the library for any purpose. It does not restrict commercial usage of software. You can use any GPL code you like for any reason, as long as you comply with the license. There are no restrictions on fields of endeavor when it comes to the GPL (or any other OSI approved) free software license.

If you make changes to the library and distribute compiled versions of it, you are required to give whoever receives it a copy of the source code and scripts used to build it. This is so they have the same freedoms that you did with the library. Note, we're talking about version 2 or 3 of the GPL. Not the LGPL or AGPL. The LGPL adds an exception if you're just linking against the library, the AGPL specifically covers software that interacts with a network.

For internal use, where employees use computers that belong to the company which have been set up for work, you're under no obligation to give every user a copy of the source code. The same goes if a friend comes over to your house and uses your computer to check their e-mail, you aren't under any obligation to immediately burn them a source CD of every GPL program you use. There's a difference between conveying or distributing software and just giving people access to use a computer you own that happens to be running the software.

If you give them the library on a CD and say "Here, install this on your home machine" - the obligation kicks in.

In short, if you are just using the software, you have no responsibilities under the GPL. If you are distributing the software, your responsibilities kick in. There is also the issue of forming a combined work with the library by simply linking against it, but you're not distributing the programs that do so - which makes that a moot point for this question.